
A Medicine That Treats Mania Also Shows Effectiveness in Treating Depression in Bipolar Disorder
Cariprazine, a medicine approved by the FDA in 2015 for the treatment of manic episodes in bipolar I disorder, was effective in reducing depressive symptoms in bipolar I disorder patients in a phase… Read More
Long-term Study Reveals How Bipolar Disorder Emerges in High-Risk Youth
A multi-decade study focusing on children of parents diagnosed with bipolar disorder quantifies the risk—24.5%—that they themselves will develop bipolar illness, and suggests a “progressive sequence… Read More
A Revealing Genetic Comparison of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
Researchers have taken an important step toward understanding the relationship between two of the most serious psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. For years, they have known… Read More
Strategy for Developing New Bipolar Disorder Treatments
In the January issue of the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, Foundation-supported scientists report that they have stopped manic-like behavior in mice by activating cellular channels that allow… Read More
Visual Processing Is Disrupted in People with Bipolar Disorder
Scientists are using MRI scans to visualize brain activity and learn how sensory processing is affected in people with bipolar disorder. Their studies, led by 2014 and 2004 Independent Investigator… Read More