One of the side effects of using antidepressant medications of the SSRI class (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) may be an increased risk of bone loss and fractures. A study published…
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Researchers have discovered that some people who suffer from major depression may benefit from the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic deficiencies.
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Researchers have uncovered new details about what happens in the brain when a mild source of stress generates an extreme response, disproportionate to the stress. Their findings identify possible…
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Blocking a receptor in the brain called mGluR5 is considered a potential strategy for treating a number of disorders, including major depression, Parkinson’s disease and Fragile X Syndrome.
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Researchers studying people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have uncovered rare mutations in a gene involved in brain cell communication. As they report online September 15 in…
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