
Brain Scans Reveal a Possible Biomarker for Suicidal Thoughts in PTSD
Researchers have used brain scanning technology to confirm a relationship between levels of a common type of receptor and the risk for suicidal thinking in people with post-traumatic stress disorder… Read More
Brain Network Changes May Explain Resilience to Childhood Abuse
Brain researchers have known for years that people who are abused in childhood often suffer serious impairments, including a high risk of developing psychiatric disorders, from anxiety and depression… Read More
 Program to Identify Neural Bases of Suicidal Thoughts and Emotions
Suicide rates have risen in the U.S. for nearly two decades. But it remains difficult to predict who will attempt suicide, and those at risk may not communicate to others when they experience… Read More
Esketamine Reduced Suicidal Thoughts Within Hours of Treatment in Patients with Severe Depression
The experimental drug esketamine rapidly reduced thoughts of suicide and symptoms of depression in a small clinical trial reported April 16 in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Read More
Harm to Brain Cell Structure Remains Long After Child Abuse
Child abuse can leave lasting marks on the brain at the cellular level, according to new research reported December 1st in the American Journal of Psychiatry. In an analysis of brain samples from… Read More