
Wartime Trauma Impaired Empathy in Mothers of Small Children, Impacting Parenting
The U.N. estimates that over half a billion children around the world are growing up under traumatic circumstances caused by ethnic, religious, national, or tribal conflicts. Over the last two… Read More
Severe Stress Before Age 6 Resulted in Smaller Brain Memory Structures
A team of researchers studying the impact of stress upon children has published new evidence suggesting that there is a “sensitive period” lasting through age 5 in which severe stress appears to have… Read More
New Clues for Medication to Prevent Disorders Caused by Early-Life Stress
For several decades researchers have known that acute stress experienced early in life can harm the brain and can lead immediately or in later years to a variety of disorders, from depression and… Read More
Adult-Born Neurons Protect Against Chronic Stress
The birth of new neurons in the adult brain is important for resilience to chronic stress, researchers have found. The new discovery, made in mice, suggests that adult-born cells in the hippocampus—a… Read More
Remodeling neural circuits from stress
Chronic stress alters neural circuits in the brain, increasing the risk of depression and anxiety. According to animal studies reported in the January issue of the journal Biological Psychiatry, some… Read More