
How an ‘Active Coping Style’ Helps New Mothers Deal With Stresses of Parenthood
Researchers have reported evidence from the brain suggesting that the way in which a new mother copes with her new parenting duties and the care of her infant can contribute to her own mental health… Read More
Exposures to Poverty and Crime in Pregnancy Found to Perturb Prenatal Brain Development
A team from Washington University, St. Louis that includes two BBRF Scientific Council members has reported results from two studies involving mother-child pairs that is part of a larger project to… Read More
Study Links PTSD Stress To Cortical Thinning and Shorter Expected Lifespan
What impact does severe trauma have upon health? The answer, in part, has to do with the individual, research has shown. For biological and genetic reasons some people are more resilient than others… Read More
Resilience to Adversity Can Be Learned Through Adaptation and Positive Attitude, Research Has Demonstrated
Recent scientific and technological advances are bringing us closer to understanding biological aspects of the brain and body that underlie resilience—the ability of people under acute or chronic… Read More
Problems in Early Life Leave Biological Traces in Depressed Moms That May Impair Bonding With Their Babies
There is a growing body of evidence indicating that difficulties, experienced early in life or in the present, can predispose a woman to perinatal depression—depression that develops during pregnancy… Read More