Children & Adolescents

Research supported in part by the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation finds that children who bully, are bullied, or experience both being bullied and bullying are more likely to have mental… Read More
A recent study published online on Jan. 16 and scheduled for print publication in the Feb. 2013 issue of Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry shows that some children may “grow out of” autism… Read More
According to a new study by a research team that includes NARSAD Grantees Robert Freedman, M.D., Randal G. Ross, M.D., Sherry Leonard, Ph.D. and Karen E. Stevens, Ph.D., choline, an essential… Read More
New findings from a study led by Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Scientific Council Member and NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Grantee Rachel G. Klein, Ph.D. show men who were diagnosed… Read More