Brain Stimulation

Non-Invasive Brain-Stimulation Protocol for Treatment-Resistant Depression Enabled 79% to Experience Remission Following 5-Day Treatment Course
In its first randomized, placebo-controlled test, an enhanced form of non-invasive brain stimulation called SNT (Stanford Neuromodulation Therapy, formerly called SAINT) generated "a large… Read More
Discovering How tDCS Brain Stimulation Therapeutically Modifies Brain Circuits in Depression
Researchers who conducted a small randomized trial of a form of non-invasive brain stimulation called tDCS (transcranial direct current stimulation) have found mechanistic evidence supporting its… Read More
Team Uses Non-Invasive TMS Brain Stimulation to Activate Deep-Brain Region Important in Depression
A research team led by a three-time recipient of BBRF grants has successfully tested a method of using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a non-invasive method of brain stimulation, to activate… Read More
A 'Common Causal Circuit' in Depression with Possible Therapeutic Implications
If you want to cure an illness, you try to understand its underlying cause or causes, as a precondition for modifying, reducing, or eliminating them. That, in highly simplified terms, is one of the… Read More
A Circuit Causally Linked With Spontaneous Nicotine Addiction Remissions May Be a Powerful Addiction Treatment Target
By studying 129 people who were daily cigarette smokers and addicted to nicotine at the time they suffered brain damage, a team of researchers has identified a brain network that they believe is… Read More