Children & Adolescents

Imaging Study Employs Novel Method to Probe Toddlers for Neurodevelopmental Delays
The vast portion of the African continent that lies south of the Sahara desert—sub-Saharan Africa—is home to 1 billion of Africa’s 1.3 billion people. It has one of the most dynamic of the world’s… Read More
How the Brain’s Reward System Goes Awry in Depression Affecting Young People
People who are depressed very often show reduced interest in experiencing or obtaining pleasure, a symptom called anhedonia that research has traced to dysfunction in the brain’s reward system. Read More
Suicidality is Found to Affect 8 in 100 U.S. Children Before Puberty in New Study
A newly published study has revealed new facts about the risk of suicide in young people, with implications for suicide prevention efforts nationwide. Read More
Impact of Electronic Media Use on Mental Health in Children
Researchers studying the results of questionnaires filled out by thousands of children aged 9 to 11 and their parents has found “significant” and “real” associations between electronic media use and… Read More
Impact of Mother’s Depressive Symptoms Just Before and After Childbirth Upon Child’s Brain Development
Past research has established a clear connection between maternal depression and risk of adverse outcomes in newborns, for instance a higher risk of the child having low birthweight. Over the longer… Read More