How do abuse and other forms of early-life adversity alter the development of the brain? If and when such changes do occur, how are they related to the emergence of psychiatric symptoms?
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Infants and small children who over-respond to sound, sight, or touch are thought to have above-average risk for developing an anxiety disorder. A new study adds to the accumulating body of research…
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As college students prepare for the start of a new year and fresh academic term, many are confronted with circumstances that students first faced a year ago. Now, as then, due to the continuing COVID…
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The vast portion of the African continent that lies south of the Sahara desert—sub-Saharan Africa—is home to 1 billion of Africa’s 1.3 billion people. It has one of the most dynamic of the world’s…
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People who are depressed very often show reduced interest in experiencing or obtaining pleasure, a symptom called anhedonia that research has traced to dysfunction in the brain’s reward system.
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