Children & Adolescents

NARSAD Young Investigator Grantee James C. McPartland, Ph.D. and colleagues at Yale University have conducted recent studies on Autism and the ability to process facial expressions. Children with… Read More
“As we understand the way in which the brain goes awry, we can be very hopeful that we’re going to discover new ways to treat brain diseases and understand them.” Read More
It is known that depression can manifest as early as 3 years old, and that the condition can give way to future disorders. Because medication is inappropriate and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)… Read More
I’ve seen the affects of brain disorders and mental illness all around me in my 17 years of life. Over the past 3 years, I’ve lost my 63-year-old grandmother (who lived with us) to a stroke; my 45-… Read More
A team including NARSAD Grantees at the Yale School of Medicine (Arie Kaffman, MD, PhD; Michael J. Meaney, PhD; and Ronald S. Duman, PhD) have discovered that insufficient neuron development in teens… Read More