Brain Matters

ADVICE ON MENTAL HEALTH: Helping Children and Adolescents With Emotional Problems

Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein, BBRF’s CEO and President, talks with Dr. Daniel Pine of the NIMH.

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On Fentanyl, the Opioid Crisis, Psychedelics, and Cannabis Risk: A Q&A with Dr. Nora Volkow

Dr. Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and leading authority on substance use and the science of addiction, explains the origins of the fentanyl crisis, the challenges of treating overdoses, and offers her assessment of psychedelics as therapies for psychiatric

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ADVICE ON MENTAL HEALTH:  Warning Signs & What to Look For: Anxiety and Depression in Childhood

Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein interviews Dr. Joan Luby of Washington University, St. Louis, whose research has changed views on the subject.

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A Q&A with Dr. Mark S. George on Brain Stimulation for Psychiatric Illness

Dr. George, a pioneer in the field, answers practical questions about TMS and other brain stimulation therapies for psychiatric illness.

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ADVICE ON MENTAL HEALTH: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

While affecting millions of American adults, personality disorders (PDs) are infrequently discussed. Our Q&A with BBRF grantee Dr. Anthony Ruocco, focuses on the most prevalent PD, borderline personality disorder (BPD). He helps clarify its symptoms, explains what research suggests about it

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ADVICE ON MENTAL HEALTH: What Research Tells Us About Cannabis Use — And What Parents Should Consider

The trend to legalize cannabis is not yet accompanied by a solid body of research that would assure the parents of an adolescent, for example, that the use of cannabis from an early age is harmless. Indeed, some recent research suggests that at least some young users may be at considerable

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ADVICE ON MENTAL HEALTH: Sensory Over-response and Anxiety in Children With and Without Autism

A Q&A with Dr. Kimberly Carpenter of Duke University, who has conducted important research on preschoolers with overly sensitive senses—children who are intensely bothered by stimuli such as loud or high-pitched sounds, or the sensation of clothing rubbing on the skin. Her research has shown

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Advice on Diagnosing and Treating Bipolar Disorder

In an in-depth Q&A, Dr. David Miklowtiz, one of the world’s leading clinical authorities on treating bipolar disorder, offers a wealth information about this complexdisorder, including its range of manifestations. He also addresses the signs parents should pay attention to if they are

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‘An Epidemic of Loneliness and Despair’: How Wisdom Can Help

Q&A with Dilip Jeste, M.D., on the role of wisdom in dealing with what he has called “an epidemic of loneliness and despair” in America.

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Advice for Parenting Young Children in a Time of Pandemic

Q&A with Rachel Klein, Ph.D.

Fascitelli Family Professor Emerita of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

NYU Grossman School of Medicine

BBRF Scientific Council Member

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