BBRF Independent Investigator Grants

BBRF Independent Investigator Grants

Independent Investigator Grants provide each scientist with up to $50,000 per year for two years to support their work during the critical period between the start of the research and the receipt of sustained funding.

About BBRF Independent Investigator Grants

Ground-breaking scientists already proven in their field receive the BBRF Independent Investigator Grant. These scientists seek to produce experimental results that will put them in a position to initiate major research programs.

This support of up to $100,000 for two years comes at the critical middle period in the investigators’ careers— the phase between the initiation of research and the receipt of sustained funding. With proven success as highly productive scientists, they seek to make clinically relevant advances in the study and treatment of a range of brain and behavior disorders. The first Independent Investigator Grant was awarded in 1995. Since then, we have awarded more than $77 million in Independent Investigator Grants.


We are in the process of determining the acceptance period for the BBRF Independent Investigator Grant applications. Please join our email list and visit our website for updates or additional information in the upcoming months.




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