The NARSAD Feed: Patient Voices of OCD and Dealing with Stress in the Workplace

The NARSAD Feed: Patient Voices of OCD and Dealing with Stress in the Workplace

Posted: February 16, 2011

Story highlights


Patient Voices: OCD

Nagging doubts, compulsions, concerns of contamination, obsessive hoarding: the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are numerous and varied. What is it like to live this way? How does one maintain a normal life? Six men and women speak about their battles with this disorder. (Join the discussion here.)Nagging doubts, compulsions, concerns about contamination, obsessive hoarding: the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are numerous and varied. What is it like to live this way? How does one maintain a normal life? Six men and women speak about their battles with this disorder.

Researchers Find 2 Neural Pathways That Play Role In Developing Phobias 

Why do some people fret over the most trivial matters while others remain calm in the face of calamity? Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have identified two different chinks in our brain circuitry that explain why some of us are more prone to anxiety.

When Stress on the Job Saps your Mental Health, It’s Time for a New Business Model

“Untreated or poorly treated depression is the problem, not depression itself,” points out Julie Totten, founder and president of Families for Depression Awareness, an advocacy organization that provides education and training for businesses on workplace depression. “When it’s treated, it’s invisible.”

by Barbara Wheeler, NARSAD manager of communications and media relations