$1 Million Challenge Match
We’ve just received an exciting $1 Million Challenge Match for 2023 from two very generous family foundations that are passionate about BBRF’s vital mission. The goal of the match is to accelerate the momentum in brain research as further breakthroughs are still needed.
Donor contributions will be matched dollar-for-dollar if they’re from:
- a new donor to BBRF
- a former BBRF donor who’s lapsed, but makes a new 2023 contribution
- a current BBRF donor who increases their 2023 contribution (the increased amount is matched)
In addition to doubling your contribution, 100% of every dollar donated to BBRF is invested in our research grants. All our operating expenses are covered by separate foundation grants.
Here are the 20 BBRF “2022 Leading Research Achievements.” The advancements listed in this report continue to pave the way for the development of new and improved treatments for people who live with mental illness. These breakthroughs could not have occurred without the support of our donors in partnership with the leadership of our Scientific Council that selects the BBRF grantees.
Your financial support will help keep the research pipeline moving forward, and help hardworking scientists conduct the necessary research that will lead to new treatments, cures, and methods of prevention that will allow more people to live full, productive, and happy lives.
As you plan your 2023 charitable donations, we hope you will help us successfully reach this generous $1 Million Challenge Match. The cutting-edge mental health breakthroughs of BBRF grantees depends on you, so please consider making a gift this year to advance our vital research.