Detection of Suicide-Related Emergencies Among Children Using Real-World Clinical Data

Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 2:00 pm EDT
Detection of Suicide-Related Emergencies Among Children Using Real-World Clinical Data

Suicide is a national and international public health priority, and suicidal behavior among children is common, costly, and preventable. Systematic, accurate, and equitable detection of children who present to medical care for suicidal thoughts and behaviors is challenging. In turn, suicide and self-harm prediction models and evidence-based personalized decision support tools to reduce suicide risk hold promise for prevention efforts, but are seldom adopted in clinical practice for children. This talk highlights new and innovative research applying computational methods, such as machine learning, to medical record datasets to advance the accuracy and equity of detecting children experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The talk asks and answers questions such as: Who is being missed? and What does improved detection mean for prediction and prevention of youth suicide?

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Presented by 
Juliet B. Edgcomb, M.D., Ph.D.
Juliet B. Edgcomb, M.D., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

University of California, Los Angeles

2024 Klerman Prize for Exceptional Clinical Research

2020 Young Investigator Grant


Dr. Juliet Edgcomb is an Assistant Professor at the University of California Los Angeles. She is a child psychiatrist and physician informaticist whose research focuses evolving the use of electronic health records (EHRs) to detect, predict, and inform precision approaches to suicide prevention and progression of mental illness among children. Dr. Edgcomb is the principal investigator of a five-year Mentored Patient-Oriented Career Development Award (K23) from the National Institute of Mental Health (K23MH130745-01) through which she is developing machine learning algorithms to derive trajectories and stratify risk of suicidal behavior using large healthcare datasets. Her research has been supported by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, American Psychiatric Association, Thrasher Research Fund, Foundation for the National Institute of Health, and Harvey T. and Maude C. Sorensen Foundation. Her work as a physician-scientist strives to advance the interface of clinical informatics and precision interventions to understand, prevent, and intervene on trajectories of childhood-onset mental illness from a developmentally-informed perspective.

Moderated by
Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D.
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation

Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D., serves as the President & CEO of the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, the largest private funder of mental health research grants. Dr. Borenstein developed the Emmy-nominated public television program “Healthy Minds,” and serves as host and executive producer of the series. The program, broadcast nationwide, is available online, and focuses on topics in psychiatry in order to educate the public, reduce stigma and offer a message of hope. Dr. Borenstein served as Editor-in-Chief of Psychiatric News, the newspaper of the American Psychiatric Association from 2012 - 2023.

Dr. Borenstein is a Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine and serves as the Chair of the Section of Psychiatry at the Academy. He also has served as the President of the New York State Psychiatric Association. Dr. Borenstein earned his undergraduate degree at Harvard and his medical degree at New York University.