Dr. Borenstein Urges Proactive Treatment of Mental Illness on "Dr. Drew"

Posted: February 19, 2013

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Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Acting President & CEO Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein appeared on the CNN Headline News program “Dr. Drew On Call” last night (Feb. 18, 2013, at 9 p.m. ET) and spoke out against the stigma and discrimination of people with mental illness that keeps people from getting treatment. He discussed the serious, increasing and alarming U.S. suicide rate, the prevalence of mental illness and the need for greater awareness of the warning signs, symptoms and treatments. Dr. Borenstein spoke up to urge people with illnesses such as depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder to seek help, to suggest improvements in policies pertaining to mental health and to embolden the general public, the media and mental health professionals to encourage treatment of these serious illnesses.